Where are you based?

We are based in central Bath. As a result, in-person tuition is only available to the surrounding areas. For online tuition please join our Discord server.

What subjects do you offer?

We primarily specialise in offering tuition for KS3 and GCSE Science subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and Maths, as well as A Level Biology and Chemistry. However, we are always open to accommodating requests for other subjects and are committed to providing a comprehensive range of educational support to meet our students' needs.

What are the benefits of private tuition?

Because private tuition takes place in small groups or one-to-one, students are able to focus better and are taught in a way that specifically meets their own unique needs. Because private tuition means the instructor is really focused on the success of the student, students are far more likely to have an increased drive to perform to the very best of their ability.

How much can I expect to improve?

For students who struggle with studying for tests, private tuition helps them to develop better study skills and ultimately to perform better in exams. At Empirical we are constantly reviewing client’s perfomance through regular assessments and on average see an increase in test scores of 25.7%. With most exam boards this equivalates to 3 grades.

When should I see improvements?

For some people, tutoring is a short-term solution to simply pass an exam or complete a piece of coursework. But for many, it is about cultivating skills and building up knowledge that will have long-term, positive effects. Students ideally need a long-term solution to their academic struggles, and with subjects they find particularly challenging. Ideally, clients should expect to see significant improvements within the first 10 hours of tuition.

Can I meet a tutor before I commit?

We offer a personalised service, so we know our clients. For parents, we will discuss your child’s needs, and we always offer a free consultation session to discuss your vision for your child and any other details before they begin their first session.